Thursday, 20 May 2010

Health Insurance Today

Health Insurance Today
Author: Janet I. Beik AA BA MEd
Edition: 3
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 1437717705
Category: Medical

Health Insurance Today: A Practical Approach, 3e

Learn to complete and submit clean claim forms for major insurance carriers. Download Health Insurance Today medical books for free.
Health Insurance Today, 3rd Edition, provides case studies for each of the chapters covering these major payers so you can learn how to abstract the information from the patient's chart to complete the CMS-1500. You will learn to complete and submit paper claims, but the emphasis is on electronic claims filing, keeping you up-to-date on HIPAA, electronic health records, and the latest industry standards. Select exercises on the companion Evolve Resource site let you gain experience entering information into a practice management program; producing an electronic CMS-1500; and submitting a claim electronically.Learning objectives makes learning easier and more meani Get Health Insurance Today our bestseller medical books.


Health Insurance Today Free

Learning objectives makes learning easier and more meani

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