Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Partnership of Equals:

Partnership of Equals:
Author: Peter McGinn
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 1567933114
Category: Medical

Partnership of Equals: : Practical Strategies for Healthcare CEOs and Their Boards

Effective healthcare organizations need collaborative CEO/board relationships. Download Partnership of Equals: medical books for free.
Author Peter McGinn, a former health system CEO and a former board member, has been on both sides of the boardroom table. This book provides his seasoned advice for building a positive and productive partnership between the CEO and the board. McGinn suggests a new metaphor for the CEO/board relationship: the CEO as the consultant and the board as the client. Throughout the book, he provides strategies CEOs can use to coach and advise board members. He also provides guidelines for board members. There are differences in the roles of the board and CEO, but there is a level of parity as well it is a partnership of equals. This book explains how to enhance the strengths Get Partnership of Equals: our bestseller medical books.


Partnership of Equals: Free

Author Peter McGinn, a former health system CEO and a former board member, has been on both sides of the boardroom table. This book provides his seasoned advice for building a positive and productive partnership between the CEO and the board. McGinn suggests a new metaphor for the CEO/board relationship: the CEO as the consultant and the board as the client. Throughout the book, he provides strategies CEOs can use to coach and advise board members This book explains how to enhance the strengths

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