Saturday, 13 October 2012

Cancer Informatics Free

Cancer Informatics
Edition: Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 2002
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 1461265479
Category: Medical

Cancer Informatics: Essential Technologies for Clinical Trials (Health Informatics)

Cancer Informatics chronicles the development of the National Cancer Institute's new Cancer Informatics Infrastructure (CII) - an information management system infrastructure designed to faciliate clinical trials, provide for reliable, secure information exchange, and improve patient care. Download Cancer Informatics medical books for free.
The book details the challenges involved in creating and managing such a knowledge base, including technologies, standards, and current, state-of-the-art applications. The ultimate goal of CII is to function as an enabler of clinical trials, expediting the clinical trials lifecycle, faciliating faster and safer drug development and more appropriate treatment choices for cancer patients. Contributors address the role the CII must play in converting the growing Get Cancer Informatics our bestseller medical books.


Cancer Informatics Free

The book details the challenges involved in creating and managing such a knowledge base, including technologies, standards, and current, state-of-the-art applications Contributors address the role the CII must play in converting the growing

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