Monday, 1 April 2013

Excellence with an Edge

Excellence with an Edge
Author: Michael T. Harris
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0984079491
Category: Medical

Excellence with an Edge: Practicing Medicine in a Competitive Environment

You Take Excellent Care of Your Patients. Download Excellence with an Edge medical books for free.
But How Well Are You Caring For Your Practice?
Once upon a time physicians went to work, cared for their patients, and went home. In the process they made a decent living. They didn't worry so much about how they got paid - they simply practiced good medicine and accepted that the money would come.Those days are long gone.21st century doctors work in a field that seems to grow more complicated every day. At the same time, the competition gets fiercer and fiercer. The implication is clear: yes, you must consistently provide the highest quality care and great service - they're the tickets to entry in this profession - but in order to do that you must also be able to run a great business.That's what Excell Get Excellence with an Edge our bestseller medical books.


Excellence with an Edge Free

But How Well Are You Caring For Your Practice?Once upon a time physicians went to work, cared for their patients, and went home. In the process they made a decent living. They didn't worry so much about how they got paid - they simply practiced good medicine and accepted that the money would come.Those days are long gone That's what Excell

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